Crying is your baby's only way of communicating with you. Initially it may be difficult and stressful for you, especially if you're a new parent, but still a big part of parenting is trial and error and you will soon learn to anticipate their needs and interpret. It is important to remember that no child ever cried themselves to death. You need to know how to interpret what each cry means, and that you know very quickly if you spend time with him.
ReasonsCry baby
1. I'm hungry
2. I'm wet or dirty
3. I'm too cold / too warm
4. I am not satisfied
5. I want to be cuddled
6. I do not feel well
7. I can not take it anymore
8. Where is everybody?
9. None of the above
If your a little whining, then work your way down the list, and you should find the cure.
Hungry cry
When you touch the sides of his mouth, he is back on your fingers in search of food. WeepingUsually stops once food is in the mouth, but some babies will continue to complain so keep on feeding. Sometimes crying baby instead of closing it's mouth, so you can have to help him by gently pressing the lower jaw to the mouth at close range.
Wet or dirty
Some babies are special and do not like very wet or soiled diapers and will cry to let you know when the diaper is full and may be required. Once you have changed the diaper, they are all smiles again. Others are not bothereduntil you smell it, or if you pick you up.
Too cold or too hot
All babies like naked, and she can not sleep when they are cold, especially if they have cold feet. Sometimes diapers or just about a shawl over her feet will weep stop them. Sometimes a pacifier can be helped. Most babies are less likely to complain too hot, so you only see when you see that his face is flushed, or that it sweaty.
Probably not
This is usually byPosition or something that is irritating him. As the baby grows bigger, he can push himself until he is pinned against the bed and needs to be repositioned.
Need to be cuddled
Babies need a lot of cuddling and they differ greatly in how much they want to be kept. There is no such thing as you spoil your baby by cuddling her. They grow so fast and before you know it, they are too big to carry and cuddle. Some babies just want on your side, without hisheld.
I do not feel well
The cry of a sick child is very different from the cry of hunger or frustration, and you will know when your baby does not sound right and must be taken with the doctor.
Can not
Babies can more than be excited by the noise and say, passed from hand to hand and crying is the only way: "I've had enough." Some babies can even nightmares in the night of over stimulation.
Not to mention
Babiesdo not live in a peaceful world in the womb. Many young parents try to make it so quiet, and whisper that she toes when the baby sleeps then she will ask, why baby wakes up crying. You sleep better when it soothing sounds so keep the radio on and let the DJ bore him to sleep.
None of the above
Many newborn babies have periods of fussiness when it is difficult to calm them down and you can not figure out just what to do. This has happened to me a few times and my lastResort was to take Mary to her doctor. The moment we walked through the door, she smiled and cooed at the doctor who looked at me as if I was an idiot, and I had ordered to be RM75.00 told him that there is nothing wrong with it especially if I have a so-called "experts" on the baby care.
What is colic?
Colic is a label for a pattern of crying in a healthy, well-nourished child under 3 months old, that has no explanation. Colicky babies cry a lot more than others and maydifficult or impossible to calm. The baby's crying is usually stepped 6 to 8 weeks old, and then decreases when it is 3 months old. Colic means that although your baby is healthy, be your life for the next few weeks will be tough. It is often associated with too much wind in the stomach.
Some signs that you say that your baby has colic:
• The outbreaks occur at regular intervals.
• It comes at the same time every dayand lasts between 15 minutes to 4 hours.
• He pulls his knees to the body.
• He has his cheeks flushed.
• He has clenched fists
• The eyes are squeezed to the visible pain.
• It has a lot of wind.
What can you do?
The best way to deal with colic, calm and patient stay. Although it can be very distressing to hear your baby cries for hours every day, it will eventually happen. Parental responsibility does not cause colic.On the other hand, colic can stress parents out, and anxious parents find it difficult to calm a fussy baby.
Some steps that you want, you can try.
• Burp frequently even when breastfed.
• Check your diet if you are breast-feeding citrus fruits and juices, strawberries and tomatoes are high in acid and can irritate the child. Dairy products in the diet of the mother can also lead to "intolerances" in baby. The problem is usually due to the milk proteinMilk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, etc. Soy and peanut intolerance commonly found in infants accompanied dairy intolerance
• Check your diet technique and equipment, if you feed with the bottle.
• If the bottle fed, consider changing the formula or lactose-free formula specially designed for windy baby. Check with baby's pediatrician or doctor first.
• Some children love to wound, because it gives them a feeling ofSecurity.
• There are baby massage techniques that will effectively help to Baby gases are released. Easily with light pressure on your stomach can reassure and help. Daily massage with soothing oils can contribute to the effects of colic.
• Chinese windy oils, usually used on the abdomen after a bath helps to burp the baby and reduces wind in the stomach.
• to calm your baby if he sucks on a pacifier or fingers.
• RhythmicRocking in a swing or cradle bouncinette could against the baby. If you use this article, please leave your baby unattended child can fail, even if he is active.
• Swing cradles - called the East sarongs. Although long used for the next decades, I can not recommend this as the curvature of the sarong can breathe it difficult for some babies. A very active child may fail if left alone.
• Herbal remedies such as weak tea brewedof fennel, chamomile or anise.
• antispasmodic medication such as Infacol work only for 50% of babies. You can give him Gripe Water, but only after the baby is one month old.
• Aromatherapy, with soothing scents such as lavender, anise and chamomile can help some babies.
• If your nerves are frayed and you have exhausted all efforts then there is not hurt a little prayer. That has helped me many times, if Marie or one of the babies were in my heartstubborn.
• Old wives tales - bathing baby with 7 pomelo leaves. That actually works most of the time. I find that the child is less picky about a few days after the bath. How does it work? I do not know.
You take care of
A colicky baby can you feel drained and exhausted, which only adds to the problem. Once you know when that starts to cry, you can try to plan your day around the time your child starts to cry. It is a goodIdea to eat your meal before, so that you have enough energy to have received through the difficult time. Relax mentally and physically, know how your child if you are stressed out and this makes it more difficult for him to calm down. You are yourself a break from time to time with the question to assume someone else, too. To know that you are not alone can be a great help.
Good luck!
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