A Metal or Wooden Swing Set for Your Kids?

เขียนโดย Eva | 17:15

Whether you have an older baby, toddler or child, a swing set is a great gift idea, but care is required to make sure you choose the right swing set for the age of your child.
A further consideration is how long you intend to have the swing set for and whether you want your child to be able to grow up with one set, or to keep buying new play equipment as your child grows up.

Primarily your options are to buy a set from molded plastic, one with a metal (steel) frame or one with timber construction.

Babies and Toddlers

If you have a toddler your first requirement is for a swing seat that provides enough support to their spine. A couple of options are available with a soft plastic seat being the most common, as it can replaced if the child grows out of it. Molded plastic play gyms with swings are an affordable option but will only last your child a year or two before they grow out of them.

Older Kids

For older children there are even more choices for outdoor swing sets because of the range of sizes and materials.

Metal sets are sturdy and long lasting but it is still important to look for quality and preferably something that is galvanised. Metal sets can often be overlooked because of the visual appeal of a timber set but their sturdiness and minimal care requirements ensure that they are built to last a lifetime.

Wooden swing sets which have a wide variety in terms of quality and timber species as well as options for pre-assembled, pre-cut lumber or just a set of instructions that you follow at home.

Which one of these you choose will be largely influenced by your budget. Larger preassembled sets can be several thousand dollars so if you have a handyperson (or two) around the home it might be worth checking out the cheaper options. Of course due diligence is needed to make sure any set that you build yourself is well constructed and safe for its users.

More on these topics, including outdoor play safety and outdoor play equipment.

Thanks To : Choose Shop

Warning! Using Prunes to Relieve Baby's Constipation May Cause Explosion

เขียนโดย Eva | 09:55

On every shelf of every grocery store in the baby food section you will find small bottles or now small containers that come in a variety of colors.

That is how I buy baby food. I get some of the green. I get some yellowish ones, and just for a little variety I get a couple of the purple ones. Purple is a pretty color. It must be sweet. After all it is the same color as Barney so it must be harmless.

I would soon learn how very wrong I could be. I should have known better. After all they tell adults to drink some prune juice to loosen you up a bit. Obviously I had yet to try this remedy and had no idea how very, very effective prunes could be at relieving constipation.

Less than one half hour after feeding my baby the pretty purple stuff from Gerber the first shot took place. Not even the most expensive diaper could have prevented leakage. The cleanup necessary was extensive. A mere fifteen minutes after the initial eruption the first aftershock was seen, felt, heard, and smelled. Within another half hour we experienced round three.

Good Lord, surely they have a warning label on the package. I ran to the trash can and fished out the cardboard package. Desperately I looked for some sign, some indication that consuming this product would cause the complete emptying of your child's bowels. Is this a good thing? I could only hope that perhaps good and pleasant are not necessarily the same thing.

It was easy to predict when my child's diaper was to undergo another assault. Her eyes would open wide as if she was scared about what was about to happen. We both were scared.

Each subsequent eruption made me think that there should be some type of scale so that we could predict the damage caused such as the Richter Scale for earthquakes. I had even thought of naming each event like we do hurricanes and tropical storms. Only they would not be pretty girl names but rather rough sounding German names such as Gunter or Alger.

Feeding my cute little baby girl Prunes was like loading buckshot in a shotgun. Be careful when it went off because it would spray everything in its path. It may not be deadly but the results were enough to make most grown men squeamish.

There were a couple of tidbits I did find on the packaging. It seems Gerber would like us to know that the contents are "Best if used in one feeding." Funny, very funny people those Gerber folks. The instructions should have said, "Beware! Use at your own risk. Not responsible for damage caused to clothes, carpets, or even drapes."

Finally I found this on the package, "The unique Gerber NATURELOCK(tm) COOKING PROCESS captures more of the goodness nature intended." I do not think for a minute that Mother Nature intended this level of goodness.

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The Wiyos - Danville Girl

เขียนโดย Eva | 23:56

The Wiyos - Live at the Brooklyn Lyceum on November 3, 2007. Danville Girl www.thewiyos.com cds Available at CD Baby.com http


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Baby Constipation Remedy - Tips on Baby Constipation Treatment

เขียนโดย Eva | 03:55

Mark is a 5 month old baby. He has not had any sort of bowl movement for close to one week now. His parents have tried all sorts of medication to help ease the constipation: putting one-and-a-half teaspoonful of light Karo syrup in his bottles, massaging his tummy, placing him on a diet of prunes, to giving one table spoon of cereal after his bottles. Up till now, there has been no improvement and from the way things are looking, there may be no baby constipation remedy unless a "miracle" occurs.

Mark's parents, John and Jessica have been extremely worried and concerned as they are at a loss for what to do and would only use laxatives as a last resort. Does the above scenario depict what you or someone you know are currently going through? It is only natural that you be extremely worried about what is happening to your child. Not to worry though, we might just be able to figure out what to do to help your child have the bowel movements you desire. Baby constipation remedy can be easily gotten if you know what to do. Before going into how to get the baby constipation remedy, we need to know what the causes of constipation in babies are.

Constipation could be as a result of the formula used in feeding the baby. Changing the formula used in feeding the baby can cause the baby's body to take its time before adapting to the new formula.
Lack of breast feeding. Some babies who are fed with just formulas have been known to poop once in three days compared to their breast fed counterparts who go at least once a day.
The form of the formula. If it is powder, ensure there is no packing when measuring. This basically means no compressing when you are measuring the formula.
The current atmospheric temperature. What is the current temperature of your locality? If it is pretty hot, then it might be responsible for your baby's slower bowel movement.

However, the baby constipation remedy you need varies. You can try using a glycerin suppository. When using this, ensure that you put a little K-Y jelly on the suppository and insert in the baby's rectum. Then hold the buttocks together so the suppository does not slide out. After this, give a warm bath. This helps the baby relax and have a bowel movement soon. Watch out however, as you might just have to deal with cleaning the stool from the bathtub as the baby may go right there. If on the other hand you don't like baby constipation remedy stated above, you can try using a poop inducer available as a natural remedy (Check online for the website and become an affiliate). It is a perfectly safe digestion stimulant. What's more, it doesn't cost a fortune to have and can be used by all age grades -adults inclusive.

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The Personality Traits of a Leo Baby

เขียนโดย Eva | 17:00

Your Leo Baby..

July 23 - August 22

Leo children are sunny, friendly personalities who love to be the centre of attention. They love parties and seem to have endless energy. Your young Leo will be more often on the move than still and will love playing games and joining in physical activities. A Leo child will be adventurous and can sometimes be reckless. Leos love parties and will be generous with possessions.

You will soon notice that your Leo baby will like to be waited on and Leo children dislike doing menial tasks. Leo girls may go through a tom-boy phase as they are happiest when doing something physical.

Leos need freedom in which to grow and experiment. Emotionally they can be turbulent and dramatic. A Leo child is trusting and needs plenty of love. Lies can be hurtful, even if they are flattering ones. There is a danger that Leos may become boastful and parents will need to watch for this from an early age. Young Leos should be encouraged to help around the home from an early age to ensure that they do not grow into little tyrants.

Leo children have a friendly nature that will endear them to everyone. Their warm-heartedness and generosity mean that you will need to teach your child how to handle money carefully.

The typical Leo child is healthy but prone to high fevers and accidents. A Leo will enjoy being fussed over in bed but this will soon wear off and she will be up again and on the go very quickly.

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One Special Moment - alto sax

เขียนโดย Eva | 09:45

The Big Easy 7 Swing Band packs the dance floor at Victoria Hall for Cobourg's Winterfest dance of 2008


Friends Link : Magellan Maestro GPS

MEDICINE- plies featuring keri hilson [LYRICS!]

เขียนโดย Eva | 05:45

REQUEST MORE SONGS! Subscribe! Comment! Rate! Baby if you don't feel good right now And your body hurtin' you right now You just need a shot of me I'm jus like medicine [Chorus: Keri Hilson] Shawty I'm your insulin Baby I'm your insulin I think ya need, I think ya need, I think ya need ya medicine Baby I'm your insulin Shawty I'm your insulin I think ya need, I think ya need, I think ya need ya medicine. I'll be your prescription Come and take a dose of me Once you get a dose of me, you'll think that I'm your medicine [Plies:] Shawty you my medicine [Keri Hilson:] Your medicine [Plies:] I think I need, I think I need, I think I need my medicine [Verse 1: Plies] One teaspoon of me is somethin' like a bag of blow Too much of me too fast and you'll overdose Treat ya like a newborn Baby I'll feed you slow And if I really fucks with' ya I'll give you a double dose I'm your lil' double stack pop me you really roll Night time, day time, I can give it to you both Anytime you want it I can give it to you that's for sure Keep ya up all night I can be your no dose Need your prescription see or holla at me Let me know Call me or text me baby when you need some more I give you becky baby when your body sore This is exclusive You can't buy this in the store [Chorus: Keri Hilson] Shawty I'm your insulin Baby I'm your insulin I think ya need, I think ya need, I think ya need ya medicine Baby I'm your insulin Shawty I'm your insulin I think ya need, I think ya need, I think ya need ya ...


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5 Fantastic Baby Shower Ideas

เขียนโดย Eva | 12:34

When hosting a baby shower, consider what is really important to the new mom. Choose a theme based on her personality. Make the theme apparent in the shower invitations, decorations, games, food and gifts. To prepare, ask the mom-to-be for a guest list about four to six weeks in advance of the baby shower. Following are five fantastic baby shower ideas:

Play games. Consider holding a raffle at the baby shower. Organize a nice basket of wine and cheese, coffees, or spa items. Let guests know that the price of a raffle ticket is a small package of diapers or wipes. Encourage guests to enter as often as they would like. By the end of the shower, once lucky guest will win the raffle and will take home the basket and the new mom will be well stocked with diapers and wipes.

Make food. Consider hosting a baby shower at a local meal preparation place. Shower Guests can help the new mom stock her freezer with nutritious homemade meals and even put together a few meals for their own families.

Host a couple's shower. If shower themes and games aren't important to the new mom, consider hosting a couple's party for the mom- and dad-to be. Otherwise known as a Jack and Jill party, a couple's shower can be as casual as a barbecue or a pool party where friends and family spend time together while they celebrate the impending arrival of the baby. Including the new dad in the festivities, along with some seasoned dads to offer humorous advice, will make it a fun night for all. Fun gifts for new dads include a supply of new batteries for the baby monitor, swing and new baby toys.

Host a shower for the mom. This works particularly well for mothers expecting their second or third child and already has most of the baby items she needs. This type of shower focuses on the mom instead of the baby. Serve a nice lunch and shower the mom-to-be with fancy lotions, a manicure set, gift certificates to restaurants, a new bathrobe, slippers, etc.

Build a library. Create a library for the baby by hosting a book shower. Ask guests to bring their favorite children's book along with a stuffed animal. The new mom will leave with an assortment of classic books, board books and bedtime stories to share with their child.

Thanks To : 42 inch LCD TV

Pazaz Jack & Jill Finals March 2008

เขียนโดย Eva | 03:49

Three couples face off in the Finals of the Pazaz Sunday Swing Quarterly Jack & Jill Contest featuring live music by the Solomon Douglas Trio.


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Baby Yoga and Me

เขียนโดย Eva | 09:00

Having carried a sizable bump around for a very long, very hot summer, I really wasn't in the mood for a work out.

As Gwyneth Paltrow and all of my other coat-hanger thin celebrity peers snaked their way, all skin and bone about the tabloids, I scowled and knew that, even if the mood did ever take me as I sat covered in powered milk, I would just never have the time to get back in shape now that I always had my baby in toe. After all, its not as if I could balance Harry on the rowing machine as I made for the nearest treadmill - I didn't think they'd like that down at the health club.

I did try the gym. Once. Inspired by Gwynnies size eight flat chestedness I did deposit Harry at my mums', and went for one swim amongst the well toned - but my self-esteem could just not cut it. Having been a large pregnant woman and having had a difficult birth, my body was not as it should be, and I didn't stay for long. I'm sure no one cared about my having varicose veins now, but I did, and I suddenly felt very much like a mum, and nothing else.

Loosing faith in the idea that I'd ever have a waist again, I pooled my NCT friends to see if they had any tips on how to regain a good shape, without the embarrassment.

There was no way I was doing yoga. It turned out after speaking to the girls that they already had a fitness plan, and were meeting to go to some yoga class the following week. I'd only ever seen yoga on television, and I wouldn't have even considered trying it pre-Harry - I was never that skinny and stealth. The women all looked like they hadn't eaten for at least five years, and there was no way I was ever learning how to be a 'delicate lotus' with all of the cellulite I'd accumulated now. I lied and told them I couldn't get a babysitter...

Turns out you can take your little ones to baby yoga. I was worried it would be new agey, but our first session soon dispelled all the worries I had about that. Friendly and chatty, the class was only for parents, and I met a whole gaggle of new local mums. We chatted about our babies, their first rolls, nappies and missing socks, and Harry played merrily with the other tots that were there - something which really made me smile as he's an only child and I was worried that when it came to mixing with other babies he'd wouldn't cope. Turns out he's a bit of a socialite - that's my boy!

A qualified baby yoga teacher, our leader, Sue, started us off with some very simple stretches, which were fine for any physical type. Her training with Birthlight means she knows exactly what our bodies have been through, and so nothing was too much. I was petrified that Harry would cry when it came to including him in the work out (the baby isn't put under any stress either by the way - there's just lots of great, gentle skin to skin contact and muscle stimulation, no sun salutations just yet!) but he just smiled. It must feel good, after all, to have the shouty tired woman who's been harassing you for all this time give you some proper, physical warmth and lavish attention.

The stimulation that babies receive doing yoga releases endorphins in the brain, and so they clearly glow after a session, just as we do after a turn at the gym. It was great to know he felt so cared for.

As time went on, our classes did become more adventurous. The stretches we learned started to actively include our babies (they are fabulous weights!) and we all became far less inhibited, and felt happy to move onto the more complex movements.

To calm the babies, Sue introduced music into the classes, which soothed them no end - in all the time I've been going now, I don't think we've ever had a baby have to be taken out for crying. After Harry's bath, I often do yoga with him at home now, and the heat of my hands and the slow, rhythmic nature of the movements send him to sleep with much greater ease than a simple cuddle and a song tape ever could. He started sleeping through the night months before a lot of other babies that we know, and I'm in no doubt that that has sonething to do with our yoga.

Being an enthusiast now, I've read up on the later benefits of what baby yoga can do and I'm excited. It's clear from the fact he rolled early that Harry has good spatial awareness, and plenty of confidence in what his body is capable of. When we took him for his eight-month check my health visitor told me he will miss out crawling stage - his spine is strong, and having been made aware of the limitations of his body through yoga, he doesn't need to go through the exploration that crawling allows.

As well as the very evident physical benefits of baby yoga, it's also been a lifesaver for me. On maternity leave I was a bit of a lonely mum, and now I have something of a network. Size ten again and happy, there is never a morning goes by when Harry and I do not have a play date. It's turned things around. I think ill go down the gym tomorrow...

To find details of Baby Yoga activities in your area visit www.busylittleones.co.uk

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